About Us

About the Children’s Memorial Garden

About Us

About the Children’s Memorial Garden

About Us

About the Children’s Memorial Garden

Open 2022

A place for bereaved families and friends to go to remember their child

Our History

The grounds and access for our gardens were originally supplied by local landowner and our founder John Colinswood.

The idea and concept for the gardens came about back in early 2014 after realising that several friends of ours had suffered the loss of their children dying. We came to understand that they did not have a specific and special place that was theirs to grieve as parents.

Having seen first-hand the devastating impacts that were made on their lives John knew that he wanted to do something to support them and other bereaved families in some way.

The vision has always been to create a safe and private space where these families can grieve in peace and commemorate their loved ones.

This has been a long and at times difficult process but with the help of our supporters our vision continues to evolve.

We now also have a Land Food Bank where we grow fresh produce and pass on the fruits of our labours to local food charities.

Our Mission

Our mission is to:

Provide a peaceful, symbolic retreat for bereaved families to celebrate and remember their child
Raise awareness of child death issues along with prevention measures
Provide high quality emotional and physical support through our charity partner The Compassionate Friends


Ashes can be scattered above ground if the parents wish, but unfortunately no burials.
There are no individual private gardens. The gardens are divided into two sections, each 1 acre. We’ve got the Four Seasons Garden and the Secret Orchard, which can only be accessed through the Four Seasons Garden.
A Lease doesn’t apply. The grounds have been donated and the gardens will remain the property of the Children’s Round Chapel forever.
No on-site catering yet, however, we could potentially look at providing drinks and snacks in the future.
All visitors must make an appointment, and we’re looking at a maximum of 2 families per appointment to give you the space that you need.
There is car parking onsite, right next to the Gardens.

If you would like to donate towards the cost of thousands of plants, please visit our Just Giving page or support us through Amazon Smile.

Parents can purchase a bench subject to our approval. We’d like to see details of the bench first. If they want to donate a plant, we’d prefer to provide a list of plants that we need so it fits with the landscaping.